About Huskies


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Huskies are a midsize dog breed as males tend to be between 45 to 60 pounds and females tend to be between 35 to 50 pounds.


Huskies generally have a medium length double coat consisting of a thick undercoat with longer hairs serving as the guard hairs varying from standard to woolly in length. This double coat helps regulate the dog's body temperature and with this double coat feature, one should NEVER shave their dog unless required by the vet. Shaving one's dog will result in them being unable to properly regulate their body temperature with the fur never growing back correctly.


Huskies are average when it comes to grooming needs. They don't need their hair trimmed like other breeds and only need baths roughly two to three times a year depending on their activities. With that said, it is suggested that one brushes their husky weekly.


Huskies are generally healthy dogs but can experience hip dysplasia and eye health problems such as cataracts and blindness in their later years of life. Huskies can live anywhere between 11 to 15 years based on genetics and living conditions.


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Huskies are generally very smart, friendly, outgoing, playful and loving but can also be stubborn. Though they love humans, they are very independent and not afraid to do the exact opposite of what you're asking them to do. As a result, they make very fun and entertaining companions.

Being Left Alone

When you leave your home, be sure to house your husky is in a secure crate as huskies have mischievous tendencies and will destroy your belongs. Additionally, huskies are very curious and nosey meaning they are more than willing to escape from one's yard to fulfill those urges. As a result, having a secure fence for your husky to play in is a must. For further safety measures, always be watching your husky when they are outside in your yard. Furthermore, it is not advisable to install an invisible fence as that is not a deterrent to their escaping wants.


Huskies are very independent and strong headed which can make training a husky difficult and to combat this, one must be confident and consistent in their training to ensure their husky will become a well-behaved member of their family. As a result, huskies aren't always the best options for first time dog owners.

Prey Drive

Huskies have a high pray drive meaning that it can be difficult to introduce an adult husky to one's cat. Puppies can easily be trained to live peacefully with a cat.


Huskies are famously known for their wild vocalizations. They vary from screams to beautiful howls and can make a husky a fun dog to have. They don't tend to bark at things such as squirrels or strangers, rather, they tend to want to hold conversations with their people. Additionally, they love to talk while playing so don't mistake their happy vocalizations with aggressive behaviors.

Exercise Needs

Huskies were bred to run and pull sleds meaning they are ready to run the distance with you! These dogs require about 40 minutes of exercise daily and make great running partners as a result. Additionally, they are usually up for adventure and make great hiking partners.


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Coat Coloring

Huskies come in all sorts of colors with each one being unique with their different faces markings. The following colors are considered standard by the American Kennel Club: white, black, black and white, black tan and white, gray and white, red and white, brown and white, sable and white, and agouti and white. Additionally, some huskies come with piebald coloring which is generally a combination of white with brown or black "spots" resembling the patterns of a cow.

Eye Coloring

Huskies come with all sorts of eye colors all being noticabley beautiful! The following eye colorings are considered standard by the American Kennel Club: blue, amber, brown, bi-eyes (one eye being one color and the other eye having a different color), and parti-eyes (one or both eyes having two colors in the same eye).


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Huskies were bred by the Chukchi people to be both a companion and a working dog in Siberia over 3000 years ago. They were bred specifically to endure the harsh winters of Siberia while hauling loads of material for long distances.

Coming to America

Huskies were brought over to Alaska during the gold rush and were used to check on working stock as well as provide amusement through sled races. Additionally, Huskies were used during World War II as a part of a search and rescue team in the Arctic.

Breed Recognition

It wasn't until 1930 that huskies were officially recognized by the American Kennel Club followed by the creation of the Siberian Husky Club of America in 1938.

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Huskies are generally very smart, friendly, outgoing, playful and loving but can also be stubborn. Though they love humans, they are very independent and not afraid to do the exact opposite of what you're asking them to do. As a result, they make very fun and entertaining companions.

Being Left Alone

When you leave your home, be sure to house your husky is in a secure crate as huskies have mischievous tendencies and will destroy your belongs. Additionally, huskies are very curious and nosey meaning they are more than willing to escape from one's yard to fulfill those urges. As a result, having a secure fence for your husky to play in is a must. For further safety measures, always be watching your husky when they are outside in your yard. Furthermore, it is not advisable to install an invisible fence as that is not a deterrent to their escaping wants.


Huskies are very independent and strong headed which can make training a husky difficult and to combat this, one must be confident and consistent in their training to ensure their husky will become a well-behaved member of their family. As a result, huskies aren't always the best options for first time dog owners.

Prey Drive

Huskies have a high pray drive meaning that it can be difficult to introduce an adult husky to one's cat. Puppies can easily be trained to live peacefully with a cat.


Huskies are famously known for their wild vocalizations. They vary from screams to beautiful howls and can make a husky a fun dog to have. They don't tend to bark at things such as squirrels or strangers, rather, they tend to want to hold conversations with their people. Additionally, they love to talk while playing so don't mistake their happy vocalizations with aggressive behaviors.

Exercise Needs

Huskies were bred to run and pull sleds meaning they are ready to run the distance with you! These dogs require about 40 minutes of exercise daily and make great running partners as a result. Additionally, they are usually up for adventure and make great hiking partners.

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